FAQ Section
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay extra to maintain the boats?
Your annual subscription fees will be held in individual group accounts and used to maintain the fleet of boats. Maintenance of the Balaton Group fleet of 4 boats is currently managed by Colum McDermott (colm.mcdermott6@btinternet.com) who will arrange regular 'maintenance days' when various tasks will be undertaken by members and also any 'ad hoc' repair sessions as and when required. This is a great opportunity to pick up extra knowledge from our experienced members

How do I reset my password?
To reset your password, simply go to the login page and click on the 'Forgot Password' link. Follow the instructions provided to reset your password.

How do I become a member of SAMM?
There is an online membership application form on the website in the Join Us section. There are also links on most pages.

What is the weather like for sailing on the Mar Menor?
The weather is fantastic with around 320 days per year of sunshine.

What type of boats are available for sailing?
We have several types of boats in the various sailing groups within SAMM. These range from the Shoestring Groups dinghies, the Balaton Groups 6 meter day sailers, the Deltania Groups 7 and 8 meter yachts and the Mobo Groups motor boat. There is also the opportunity to go cruising on the Med if that takes your fancy.

Do you offer social events?
Absolutely we do! Throughout the year we have a Spring event that is usually held over three days, which includes sailing to the islands for a picnic, quizzes, often dancing to live music, and of course Caldero Day every October.