Join Us!
F.Y.I. SAMM Social Events always welcome Non-Members

To apply for Membership, please click the BIG BLUE BUTTON above.
If you prefer, you can download, complete and email the SAMM-Membership-Application-Form to;
SAMM Membership Secretary – at membership@sailingmarmenor.com or you can bring the completed Form to our next General Meeting – held every month on the second Wednesday, except for August, at Las Claras in Los Narejos. The Annual fees are shown in the application form and these can be sent direct to our bank account by electronic transfer (please include your Name as the Reference) or directly at any SAMM General Meeting.
The SAMM account is;
Caixa Bank: IBAN ES90 2100 8241 1613 0044 2744
Email SAMM Secretary for any help required: secretary@sailingmarmenor.com
SAMM is formally registered as a Sports & Cultural Association with the Region of Murcia.
SAMM comprises a number of constitutionally organised Groups that cater for different classes of sailing boats and boating activities. There are Groups for larger cruising yachts, dinghy sailors, boat-share Groups, and a Motorboat Group.
SAMM welcomes new members, both Spanish residents and local holiday home owners, of all nationalities. If you are interested in Sailing or using Motor boats in this area come to one of our monthly meetings and learn more. You will be made very welcome. Alternatively, if you want to join, contact our Membership Secretary on membership@sailingmarmenor.com and download the membership application form using the link above.
Current annual, single membership fees are printed on the membership form. To be part of a SAMM Group, you will automatically be a SAMM Member – after initially joining SAMM, your annual Fee will be paid via the Group you have joined. Group charges and fees vary.