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I /we agree to comply with SAMM rules and agree that the committee and the association are free from all liability.  I/we take full responsibility for the provision of adequate insurance covering me/us for all activities and against all claims as stipulated by law and for my/our own health and safety.  I/we agree to the use of my/our personal details which may be stored electronically and used without prejudice to my/our rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Spanish Data Protection Act

*Individual Membership:   Annual fee:  €30 / Reduced autumn fee from 1st September: €15
*Family Membership:         Annual fee:  €45 / Reduced autumn fee from 1st September: €23

SAMM Bank Details: (Contact if help required)

Caixa Bank: IBAN ES90 2100 8241 1613 0044 2744

*Please send your Membership Fees to this account electronically (please ensure the Reference is your Name) or, pay cash at a SAMM General Meeting, held on the second Wednesday of each month, at Las Claras, Centro Cultural las Claras., Los Narejos – part of Los Alcázares, in Murcia.  Your Fee thereafter should be paid to the Group you have joined who are responsible for collecting their members SAMM fees.
© Sailing Association Mar Menor 2015.

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The Mar Menor

SAMM (Sailing Association Mar Menor), is based on the shores of the Mar Menor in Murcia, southern Spain. We have over 300 days of sunshine each year and the climate is perfect for sailing.

The Mar Menor (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmar meˈnor], "Minor sea") is a salty lagoon, in the south-east of the autonomous community of Murcia, in Spain, separated from the Mediterranean Sea by La Manga, a sandbar 22 km in length and with a width ranging from 100 to 1,200 metres. It belongs to four municipalities: Cartagena, Los Alcázares, San Javier and San Pedro del Pinatar. With a surface area of nearly 170 km², a coastal length of 70 km, and warm and clear water no more than 7 metres in depth, it is the ideal location to go sailing. Its relatively high salinity, which aids flotation, and remarkable sporting infrastructures make this one of the most popular places in Europe for a wide variety of water sports. If you want to enjoy sailing on the Mar Menor, you can get in touch by using our Contact Page on this website or  email the secretary

SAMM Sailing Association Mar Menor

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